Friday, July 24, 2009

The Ghost Whisperer Producers finaly answer some of our Questions.

Carale20: What David Conrad, Camryn Manheim and Christoph Sanders are doing?

Mainly they're back at work, because we're in the middle of shooting Episode 502 on the Universal Studios sound stages. Camryn is a mom — and a wonderful mom at that — so when she's not working, she's a full-time mommy. Are you aware that Camryn is very proficient at sign language? She is, and she does a lot of charity work related to this. BTW, we're talking about incorporating this important form of communication into one of the episodes at some point.

When he's not shooting Ghost Whisperer, David Conrad is very much involved with the theater — particularly back in Pittsburgh, where he grew up. As some of you know, he starred in a production this summer there; he said it was a magical experience. FYI: Last summer, David did Shakespeare in New York. We promise to let you know the next time he hits the stage.

When Christoph Sanders is not working, he tries to go home to Asheville, North Carolin, where he visits his parents and his younger brother. He's the good son we all wish we had.

Twokees: Why did you 'kill Jim' when David Conrad is staying on the show?

When we launched Ghost Whisperer, the pilot started with Jim and Melinda's wedding reception. Therefore, the audience missed what came before. Over the years, we've heard from so many of you about how much you enjoyed Jim and Melinda's relationship and how you were interested in the history of that. So, having Jim get shot, die, come back as a ghost, then "step in" with Sam but not retain the memory of his relationship with Melinda, gave Jim and Melinda the opportunity to fall in love all over again. Jim's near-death experience while trying to save Melinda triggered his memory of their marriage and re-booted their love story so that you could experience their falling in love all over again.


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